Manuscripts of articles for the scientific and informational journal “Bulletin of the International Association of Experts on Earthquake-Resistant Construction” (Bulletin of IAERC)
The article text should be printed on one side of an A4 white paper sheet (210×297 mm) using an inkjet or laser printer with a line spacing of 1, with automatic hyphenation. When preparing the report text, use the Times New Roman font, A4 paper format (210×297 mm) with margins: top and bottom – 25 mm, left and right – 25 mm. (Work area 160×247 mm). The paragraph indent is 10 mm. MS Word 2007 (and later versions) should be used as the editor. Font sizes: TITLE is printed in uppercase letters, bold – 14 pt without hyphenation, the main text and Keywords – 12 pt, abstract – 10 pt, formulas – 12 pt. Formulas are centered in the text, and formula numbers should be aligned to the right edge of the text. Tables and figures must be embedded in the article text, and the use of photocopies is not allowed. Tables and figures should have a title and number. The table caption is printed above the table, and the figure caption is printed below the figure. References are numbered sequentially in the order of citation and are enclosed in square brackets. Authors’ names, academic degrees, workplace details, and Literature are printed in italics, font size – 12 pt. The last page of the article must be filled with text by at least 75%.
Structural elements of the article:
- Title of the report (in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English languages).
- Information about the authors (in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English languages)
- full name of the author(s);
- full name of the organization – the workplace of each author in the nominative case, country, city. If all authors work in the same institution, the workplace of each author may not be specified separately;
- contact information (e-mail) for each author.
- Abstract (in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English languages) (100-250 words).
- Keywords (in Kyrgyz, Russian, and English languages). Keywords or phrases are separated by semicolons (5-10 words).
- Thematic classifier: UDC/BBK or other library-bibliographic classification and subject indices.
- Text of the report (line spacing 1.5)
- introduction,
- formulation of the problem or task,
- proposed solution and its theoretical justification,
- practical research and conclusions,
- conclusion
- Mandatory structural elements are highlighted in bold. Other structural elements are included in the article at the author’s discretion. The volume of the article should be at least 5 and no more than 15 pages.
- Bibliographic list of references (only in the original language). The article materials must be accompanied by an Expert Opinion and/or a review from a specialist with an academic degree working in the relevant field of science. Authors are responsible for the originality, objectivity, and validity of the published materials. Checking articles for plagiarism is mandatory.
- provide a recommendation from an external reviewer;
- provide the editorial board with an “Antiplagiarism” printout;
- the permissible level of borrowings should not exceed 12% (originality should be no less than 88%);
- the minimum number of citations for review articles is 20 sources, and for developments – 10 sources;
- it is strongly recommended to include DOI references in the reference list. Publication cost – 1000 soms (up to 15 pages), with an additional charge of 150 soms for each additional page.
Manuscript review procedure
- Articles submitted to the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of IAERC” undergo mandatory external review.
- The author sends the article to the editorial board of the “Bulletin of IAERC” following the “Manuscript Submission Guidelines” published on the website.
- The article submitted to the editorial board is assigned a registration number.
- The responsible secretary notifies the authors of the receipt of the article within 3 days.
- The responsible secretary determines whether the article meets the journal’s profile and formatting requirements. Materials that do not meet these conditions are returned to the authors with the reasons for rejection. Materials that meet these conditions are sent for review to one of the members of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of IAERC” based on the subject matter.
- The following are not reviewed:
- articles by academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic if the academician or corresponding member is the sole or first author of the publication;
- articles presented at scientific, scientific-technical, scientific-methodological, and methodological councils of scientific organizations and higher education institutions and have a written conclusion from the Council recommending publication.
- Reviewers do not include specialists working at the same research institution or higher education institution where the work was performed.
- Reviewers are informed that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and are confidential.
- The review process is confidential. The author of the reviewed work is given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the text of the review.
- The reviewer makes a conclusion on the possibility of publishing the article within 14 days.
- The reviewer evaluates:
- the relevance of the article content to its title;
- the novelty of the problem considered in the article, its relevance, and practical significance;
- the relevance of the article to current achievements in the field;
- the presentation of the material; strengths and weaknesses of the article; advisability of publication.
- The editorial board informs the author of the review results via email no later than 14 days after the review.
- If the review contains suggestions for necessary corrections, the article is returned to the author for revision.
- In case of disagreement with the reviewer’s opinion, the author has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editorial board. The article may be sent for re-review.
- The final decision on the advisability of publication after the review is made by the chief editor.
- In case of a positive conclusion, the chief editor of the journal determines the publication schedule depending on the journal’s thematic issues.
- If the publication of the article has violated someone’s copyright or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the published article. The editorial board does not keep manuscripts not accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted for publication are not returned. Manuscripts that received a negative review result are not published and also not returned to the author. The editorial board does not charge authors for article reviews.
- The editorial board does not commit to specific publication timelines.